hubby& my darling girlfss are yummy hugs&kisses, bigbig teddybears, flowers, dance&pretty accessories are love (:
(there's many more on this list in actual fact)
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MUMMY! ((: &i wanna go out& celebrate.poooss mummy says after o's ): screw you freaking o's! blahh! well, @ least, we're going for dinner later. my favourite chicken. -lick lips
seriously, o's suck! i hope e plane sending our papers back just crash can it be like that way? pretty please? 'cos i think i'll collaspe one day if everday's spend like that rahh!! &i'm alr sick, when e next paper' like 4days away only?
i urgently need a shopping trip! i haven even get mummy's present D;< when daddy like gave mummy alotalot of c--h alr? daddy wanted to give me money but i rejected grrr, idk why i reject too.ahaa
i want a new phone!!!! i don't care!i want i want! &e model i want havent even been released!!! it's been more than half a year i started waiting? pigg, stupid nokia, dumb nokia, slowwpokyy! all my phones are like half-dead now!?!
jasmine study jasmine, NOW!! think: movies, chalets, shopping, ballet, performances, holidays etc AFTER o's!! it's AFTER not NOW!! so go study nownownowww. pfftt!!